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CFLC Holds 2021 Faculty Instructional Skill Competition
  Time: 2021-07-02   Author:   clicks:

On the afternoon of June 23, CFLC held the 2021 Faculty Instructional Skill Competition. Six young and middle-aged faculty members took part in the competition. The contest was aimed at guiding young faculty members to further implement the concept of fostering virtue through education and encouraging them to enhance their instructional skills. The contestants represented the English, Japanese, French and German Departments. Referees of the competition included Mr. Xue Chenglong, deputy director of the XMU Faculty Development Center; Chen Zhiwei, secretary of CFLC’s CPC Committee; Prof. Li Meihua, vice dean of CFLC; Prof. Yang Shizhuo, chair of the CFLC Department of English Language and Literature; Prof. Jiang Guiying, chair of the CFLC Department of Foreign Language Education; Prof. Gu Hongfei, chair of the Department of European Languages and Literature; Prof. Weng Bingying, deputy chair of the Department of French Language and Literature; and Associate Professor Ma Yingping, deputy chair of the Department of Japanese Language and Literature. The competition was hosted by Prof. Xu Qi, vice dean of CFLC.

Before the competition started, Ms. Chen Zhiwei spoke to the participants, encouraging them to learn from each other during the competition and pursue teaching reforms through the competition, thereby enhancing their instructional skills.



Chen Zhiwei, secretary of CFLC’s CPC Committee, speaks to the participants

The competition consisted of two parts: lesson planning and classroom teaching demonstration. Under the requirements of the competition, the participants made a 20-minute mock teaching demonstration in turn. The contestants made elaborate preparations, and showed their elegance in the competition, with clear language, lucid logic of thinking, natural gestures, good interaction with students and efficient use of teaching methods, presenting a unique and wonderful feast of knowledge for the audience.










After the competition, Professors Li Meihua and Fu Xiyi and Deputy Director Xue Chenglong commented on the performance of the participating teachers. They lauded the constants for their outstanding instructional skills. They stated that the event was not only a competition, but also a good opportunity for faculty members to explore the reform of teaching methods, which could better help young and middle-aged teachers gain teaching experience and enhance their teaching quality. The referees also explained in detail the rules of the competition. Based on their own experience in teaching, the referees made suggestions for young and middle-aged teachers in terms of instructional language, skills and design.


Professor Li Meihua makes comments.


Professor Fu Siyi makes comments.



Deputy Director Xue Chenglong makes comments.


Finally, the referees scored the lesson plans and performance of the contestants according to the rules of the competition. Two first prizes were awarded to Huang Chuan from the Department of French Language and Literature and Su Wei from the Department of English Language and Literature. Four second prizes were awarded to Guo Yajuan from the Department of Foreign Language Education, Mao Xueqin from the Department of German Language and Literature, Lu Xiaolei from the Department of English Language and Literature, and Lai Yaqiong from the Department of Japanese Language and Literature.


A group photo of the contestants and referees


To date, CFLC has held five instructional skill competitions, providing a stage for young and middle-aged faculty members to exchange ideas and learn from each other, adopt innovative teaching methods, and refine their instructional skills. This is expected to contribute to XMU’s efforts to build a world-class institution.



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