发布时间:2021-06-01      浏览次数:

姓名:DONATELLO Eugenio

学位:Licenciatura(Licenciatura, which is a degree obtained a six-year course in a University in Argentina. Equivalent to a C3 master?s degree in Europe.)

职称:Licenciatura en Sociología





01\09\2018 to present Xiamen University  Spanish Teacher

03\09\2013to 15\06\2017 Xiamen Foreign Language School (Xia Men) Spanish Teacher

15\09\2008 to present Runner Institute (Xia Men) Spanish Teacher

15\09\2007-01\08\2008 Xiamen Lan Lei Co. Exp. Imp Assistant

01\09\2011-2017 Xiamen youth palace厦门青少年宫 English Teacher

21\02\2007-31\08\2007 Institute of Foreign Language teaching Bangjie Spanish Teacher

19\03\2006-30\06\2006 Universidad de Buenos Aires (University of Buenos Aires). School of Social Sciences. Subject: “Crime and Society: Sociology of the Penal System”, under Prof. Juan S. Pegoraro. Social Sciences Teaching Assistant

15\03\1998-21\08\2006 Registro Nacional de Armas (Nacional Firearm Registry), Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Argentine Republic. Analysis and issuance of registry applications.

教育背景:Sociology and Sociology teaching


March\2003 - July\2006 Research Institute Gino Germany Member of the Program for Studies on Social Control

2004-2006 Sponsored by the University of Buenos Aires (UBACyT) “State, market and safety: Interaction between agents of the public and private sectors in the conformation of the people and property security and protection market”.

2005 Research Department (Secretaria de Investigación), Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires."Social aspects of the private security market", Research in Institutional Acknowledgement Program (Programa de Reconocimiento Institucional de Investigaciones).

