Xiao Xiaoyan

Posted: 2024-05-21
Academic Degree:

Academic Rank:

Courses Taught:
Consecutive Interpreting, Sight Interpreting, Introduction to Sign Language Interpreting, Simulated Conferences for Simultaneous Interpreting, Introducing Interpreting Studies, etc
Research Interests:

Interpreting studies (signed and spoken); linguistics

Professional Experience:

1991-present: Faculty, College of Foreign languages and Cultures, Xiamen University.

2015-2017: Visiting Scholar, University of Delaware, USA.

2012-2013: Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar, Gallaudet University and Georgetown UniversityUSA

2010: Visiting Professor, Centre for Translation Science, University of Vienna, Austria.

2006-2007: Visiting Scholar, Linguistics Department, University of California, Los Angeles, USA.

1999- 2000: Visiting Scholar, School of Languages, University of Westminster, UK.

Educational Background:

PhD in Linguistics, Xiamen University. 2014.

MA in Applied Language Studies, University of Westminster, UK. 2001.

MA in Conference Interpreting, Xiamen University, China. 1999.

BA in English Language and Literature, Xiamen University, China. 1991.



2018. Sign language interpreting on the Chinese mainland: Status-quo, problems and prospects. Chinese Translator's Journal. 2018 (6). Beijing. In Chinese.

2015. Chinese Deaf viewers’ comprehension of signed language interpreting on television: An experimental study. Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting. 17 (1). (In English. with X. Chen & J. Palmer).

2013. Sign language interpreting on Chinese TV: A survey on user perspectives. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 21 (1). (In English. with F. Li).

2010. What do top English words tell? China Daily (Opinion). 2010-4-16. (In English).

2010English adopts more Chinese expressions. China Daily (Opinion). 2010-12-29. (In English).

2009Survey on sign language interpreting in China. Interpreting-International journal of research and practice in interpreting. Vol. 11 No. 2. John Benjamins. In English. with R. Yu) 

2009A critical analysis of telephone interpreting as a new trend in community interpreting. Chinese Translator's Journal. 2009 (2). Beijing. In Chinese.

2009Sign language interpreting: Model, methodology and challenges. Chinese Special Education: 2009 (2). Beijing. In Chinese.

2009. History and current status of telephone interpreting in the USA. Shanghai Translators’ Journal: 2009 (1). Shanghai. In Chinese.


2015. On the Orality-Literacy Continuum: A Corpus-based Study of Interpretese. Xiamen University Publishing House. Xiamen. In English.  

2014. Interpreter Education: From theory to classroom teaching. Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Publishing House. In Chinese and English. (Co-ed with J. Chen)  

2006. Introduction to the profession of interpreting. EU AsiaLink Multimedia Learning Resources sponsored by Asia Link--Interpreting Asia Interpreting Europe. Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Publishing House. Text in English and Chinese. Accompanied by two DVDs. (Co-ed with L. Yang).

Research Projects:

2019-2022: Principal investigator. Sign language interpreter education: In search of a Chinese Model. Chinese National Social Sciences Foundation Grant.

2019-2021: Principal investigator. Resource bank for sign language interpreted high-frequency political discourse from President Xi’s speeches. Grant from Chinese Federation for Disabled People.   

2018-2021: Principal investigator. IT-assisted interpreter education: a multilingual model. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

2013-2016: Principal investigator. Sign language interpreter education. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

2013-2014: Principal investigator. Feasibility studies of a signed language interpreting program under the MTI framework. Grant from National Steering Committee of MTI.

2011-2013: Principal investigator. Signed language on Chinese Television: Problems and solutions. Chinese National Language Commission Grant.

2008-2011: Principal investigator. Signed language interpreting: Theories and practices in China. Chinese National Social Sciences Foundation grant.

2008-2009: Principal investigator. Investigating signed language interpreting.Fujian  Social Sciences Foundation grant.

2004-2005: Co-investigator. Interpreting Asia, interpreting Europe. EU Asia Link Programme.
