Zhou Nangyi

Posted: 2016-09-05
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
  Associate Professor
Courses Taught:
  College English, American Culture and Intercultural communication, Modernist Classics, World Classics of Women Writers
Research Interests:
  English and American Literature
Professional Experience:

2013- present: teaching in College of Foreign Languages and Cultures

Educational Background:

1998-2001  PhD

1990-1993   Master

1986-1990   Bachelor


Academic Papers:

“A Research into Ecofeminism and Building of Ecological Social and Ethical order”, Journal of Xiamen University (Arts and Social Sciences), 2015.11.

Inclusion of Cultural Knowledge in Advanced College English Teaching and Advanced Oral English, Journal of Xiamen University (Arts and Social Sciences), 2013.12.

An Anti-idolator: American Jewish Writer Cynthia Ozick”,Translations2003.12.

Changes and Developments of King Archetypes in Chinese Culture”, Journal of southwest China Normal University, 2001.03

“Ronald Sukenick: An American Postmodernist Avant Guarde Exploring Fictional Form”, Foreign Literatures, 2000.04

“A World Both Strange and Familiar”, Foreign Literatures, 2000.04.

“Images of Fathers in Jewish American Literature”, Foreign Literature Studies2000.02.


Toward a New Utopia: A Study of Novels by Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud, and Cynthia Ozick. Xiamen University Press, 2005.

Bellow, Sichuan Peoples Press, 2003.


A History of Israel. By John Bright. Sichuan Peoples Press, 2014.

Research Projects:


Project leader of A Research into Frank Lentricchia Poetics and Literary Creation”, supported by National Social Science Foundation of China (2014)
