Li Qiong

Posted: 2016-09-05
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
  Associate Professor
Courses Taught:
  English Intensive Reading(V)/English Intensive Reading(VI)/English Stylistics/ Appreciation of English and American Literature
Research Interests:
  English and American Literature
Professional Experience:

1999-Present  teaching at the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University

Educational Background:
Obtaining Literature in 2009 from the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University


-- “Space, Self and Language : Approaching the Extreme Living Conditions of the Underclass in In the Country of Last Things”, Foreign Literatures, No. 2, 2016

-- “The Quartet of Freedom in The Music of Chance:On Paul Auster’s View of Freedom”, Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages,No. 2, 2014

-- “Approaching the Embedded Narrative in Paul Auster's The Book of Illusions:Its Innovative Strategies and Cultural Functions”, Foreign Literatures, No. 4, 2013

-- “What Is the Invention of The Invention of Solitude ?On the Themes and Narrative Mode of Paul Auster’s Fiction”, Foreign Literature, No.2, 2013

--“Conventions of Metaphysical Detective Fiction: On Paul Auster’s The New York Trilogy,Foreign Literature Review, No.1, 2008

--“The Evolution of British Immigrants’ National Identity: On Zadie Smith’s White Teeth,” Foreign Literature, No.2, 2007

--“Punishment and Correction: Repression of Female Subjectivity and Roles of Marriage in Measure for Measure,” Drama, No.1, 2007

--“Subversive Anti-Hero: Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse-Five,” Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages, 30.1 (Jan., 2007)

--“Female Identity and Gender Relation in Lynne Tillman’s Work,” Journal of Sichuan International Studies University, Supplement (Dec., 2006)

--“Symbolic Patterns in The Sound and the Fury,” Journal of Jimei University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 6.1 (Mar., 2003)

Research Projects:

“The Study of Paul Auster”, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
