Fang Fang

Posted: 2016-09-05
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
Courses Taught:
  College English
Research Interests:
  Global communication
Professional Experience:

2003-present work as a teacher in College of Foreign languages and cultures of Xiamen University


Educational Background:

2002-2003 studied in the School of Mass Communication Studies in the College of Leicester, UK;

1998-2002 Studied in the Normal College of Jimei University, majored in English education


“Exploring Media Literacy Education Through College English Course” in Press CirclesVol. 2, 2011;

“Study the global communication of Taiwan through the three local English Newspapers” in Youth Journalist, Vol. 5, 2013

Research Projects:

2015-2017, host “Study of English Media development on both sides of Taiwan Strait”, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
